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How We Make Grants


As of June 2021, The Driskill Foundation has revised its grantmaking strategy. It is essential to be clear to grant seekers that most of our grantmaking is dedicated to furthering the stability of our recently funded programs/programs fitting our mission and goals.


Therefore, we generally will no longer accept unsolicited proposals.

We may consider unsolicited proposals that meet our grant guidelines from time to time, although very few are selected for funding.

Before submitting a proposal, we recommend that you carefully read “What the Driskill Foundation Funds”, which will help applicants determine whether your idea for a grant fits our grantmaking strategy.

Previous grants that focus on developing Curiosity and Creativity needing additional funding can email to with a brief explanation of your program You will receive a timely response regarding the next steps.

Our Guidelines

What Do We Fund?

Driskill Foundation funds programs that create a positive, measurable impact for K-12 students and supports learners to recognize their innate curiosity. Our grantmaking geographically focuses on the Midwest. 

Curiosity: Through literary research, discussions with community experts and learners, curiosity was revealed to play a significant role in motivation, personal development, and long-term health.
Creativity: Creating a healthy culture and environment by helping students develop the skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflicts, and make responsible decisions.
Diversity: Programs that support diversity by providing opportunities for educational achievement and different thoughts regardless of racial and ethnic background, gender, or economic status.

What organizations or programs are generally not eligible?

Organizations and programs must be consistent with WSLBDF's mission. Click here


All applicants must be a 501c3 entity.


          WSLBDF grants are NOT intended for:


  • Individuals, for-profit organizations, or tax-generating entities (municipalities, school districts, etc.)

  • Religious groups for religious purposes

  • Programs that exclude participation on the basis of race or religion

  • Grant requests for production of audio, film, or video

  • Grant request for capital campaigns or projects

  • Applications to support travel

  • Lobbying, political or fraternal activities

  • Organizations not exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code or unaccredited public/private schools

  • Funding for academic or scientific research

  • Loans

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